#Art: British Council’s UK/Nigeria 2015-16 Launch
A large number of partners, sponsors and creatives from Nigeria and the UK attended the Abuja launch of the British Council cultural programme, UK/Nigeria 2015 on 16 September 2015.
UK/Nigeria 2015—16 is a major season of arts in Nigeria aimed at building new audiences, creating new collaborations and strengthening relationships between the UK and Nigeria.
Guests present at the event included; Mr. Mike Omeri, DG National Orientation Agency, Mrs. Eugenia Abu, Executive Director Programmes of the Nigerian Television Authority, NTA and Aisha Augie-Kuta, Photographer and winner of British Council ‘Through-my-eyes’
competition in 2014 and a host of others.
The guests were treated to a mix of UK and Nigerian food including local palm wine served in gourds as well as wines and finger foods like Akara, Samosa, Springrolls and Plantain.
From OnoBello.
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